Setting an average Retail Price

Last updated January 3, 2023

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at If you do not have a Account, as a Brand you can get one at As a retailer, these settings are not relevant for you, as they are for brand insights only.

  1. Navigate to > Products

  2. Click on Submit a new one a the top of the page or select a specific product by using the mouse over, which will reveal the edit pen to open and edit the product.

  3. Add your average or recommended retail price in USD. If you do not sell in the US, please use a currency converter from your sold currency to USD and enter that price.


This is for internal use only and will help our algorithm to better recommend products based on pricing sensibility or deliver price-relevant statistics to brands. This price will not be communicated or shown outside of the database at any point in time.

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