Product Status

Last updated January 3, 2023

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at If you do not have a Account, as a Brand you can get one at As a retailer please contact > Products
Use the mouse over to see the product status or navigate by the color dot and the following explanation.

Drafted (gray)
Started but not finished due to missing information or other reasons.

Submitted (blue)
Ready to be approved. Please inform your Skin Match Representative or if you have products in that status that need to be approved.

Rejected (red)
Missing information for approval needs to be checked or corrected by you.

Created (orange)
Ready for upload, please fill in all the product details and click on “Save & Submit”

Approved (green)
The product is available and live.

Edited (light green)
Live, but changes were made that approval needs to check.

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