Adding Products

Last updated January 3, 2023

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at If you do not have a Account, as a Brand you can get one at As a retailer please send an excel list (EAN, Brand, Product Name, Size and so on)  with your entire inventory to

  1. Navigate to > Products

  2. Click on Submit a new one a the top of the page

  3. First, add the EAN of the new product you would like to add

  4. Fill in the Basic Product Data and make sure you select the product category that best fits the product. This may change the rest of the form you will have to fill in. 

  5. Fill in the rest of the required information or click on Save & Close to finish the product later. The product will be in status Draft.

  6. Once you have finished and added all the information click on Save & Submit. The product will now get the status Submitted.

Inform your Skin Match Representative or if you have submitted products for Approval.

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