Start Slide Customization

Last updated January 3, 2023

We have 3 start slide layout options you can choose from. If you want to deviate from either of them, you have the option of a custom HTML layout.

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at Click on Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Question Flow and Click on the edit pen of the start slide to make changes.

Layout Option 1: Product Preview (Default)

This is our default setting. As soon as you have added some products to your Product Finder they will appear automatically in the start slide. If you refresh the page where the product finder is placed or the preview, new products will appear in the preview on the start slide.

Example of a Start Slide with Product Previews:

Layout Option 2: Banner Start Slide

Instead of the product previews, you can replace them with an image banner of your choosing. To exchange Product Previews in the Start Slide, prepare a Banner in the following format: 2000x500px

  1. Click on Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Question Flow

  2. Click on the edit pen of the first slide

  3. Click on Intro Graphic to adjust the visual part of the start slide. You can select between Nothing, Image Banner or Product Previews.

  4. Selected Image Banner

  5. Scroll down and place the image URL of the Banner you prepared

  6. Make sure you add the image URL to all languages by navigating at the top of the slide editor

  7. Click Save

  8. Preview your Settings by going back and clicking on Edit Questionnaire > Overview

Example of a Start Slide with custom Banner:

Layout Option 3: Content Only Start Slide

Instead of the product previews or a banner, you can also decide to just work with content. To exchange Product Previews in the Start Slide, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Question Flow

  2. Click on the edit pen of the first slide

  3. Click on Intro Graphic to adjust the visual part of the start slide. You can select between Nothing, Image Banner or Product Previews.

  4. Select “Nothing”

  5. Click Save

  6. Preview your Settings by going back and clicking on Edit Questionnaire > Overview

Example of a Start Slide with content only:

Custom HTML and CSS

You can write any HTML and CSS you want into the field “Custom HTML Layout” and so have full flexibility in creating a start slide. Inside your HTML you can place a couple of placeholders to load the necessary texts from the slide config.

Available placeholders are:
{headline_1}, {headline_2} and {start} – the last of which created the ‘Get Started’ Button that initiates the questionnaire flow.

Example of a custom HTML start slide:

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