What is an EAN / UPC / GTIN?

Last updated December 19, 2022

All products added to Skin Match Technology are associated with an EAN-13 code. We generally carry all colors and sizes, each with its respective unique EAN / UPC / GTIN.

EAN stands for ‘European Article Number’. The EAN Code is a type of barcode that encodes an article number. Originally, EAN codes were exclusively used to encode “European Article Numbers” (EANs). Since 2009 EAN codes have been used to encode GTINs – Global Trade Item Numbers.

UPC is the “Universal Product Code”, a barcode symbology that is widely used worldwide for tracking trade items in stores. UPC consists of 12 digits that are uniquely assigned to each trade item.

GTIN-12 & UPC Code

A 12-digit UPC, which stands for universal product code, is a GTIN that is embedded into a barcode. A UPC number is a part of the data structures used in the United States and Canada.

The first 6 to 9 digits of a UPC code are called a Company Prefix, which remains constant on any UPC number owned. The next set of numbers following that are the product numbers assigned to a unique item chosen by the purchaser. The last digit in the UPC is called a check digit, which is a calculation based on the 11 digits before it.

If you have a universal product code or UPC, you do not need to get an EAN because they work the same way. If you encounter a form that requires a 13-digit number, simply adding a zero in front of the 12 digit number will suffice.


An EAN, which stands for European Article Number, is a 13-digit GTIN is used globally, except in the United States and Canada.

Like a GTIN-12 or UPC, an EAN is a 13-digit number attached to barcodes.

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Why does Skin Match Technology need the EAN-13?

Any EAN passed to Skin Match Technology has to follow the EAN-13 format in order to be recognized. If a 13-digit code is passed, we will use it directly as-is. If it’s a 8- or 12-digit code, 0 (zeros) will be added as the first digits. Any other number of digits and Skin Match Technology will return an error.

Important Information
Please do not use or create any fake numbers if you do not have an EAN or UPC for your products. Please contact questions@skin-match.com with an excel list of your products so we can provide you with placeholder numbers. 

Why do my products need a EAN?

It is important to clearly label articles and article variations to ensure traceability and to simplify or automate production management through the entire supply chain until the point of sale.