Question Flow Settings

Last updated January 3, 2023

Create a question flow to collect data or recommend the perfect fit routine as fast as possible.

With the given login credentials you can access your account at Skin Match Technology by logging in at

You can customize your product finder for any of the below categories:

  • Skin Care

  • Body Care

  • Hair Care

  • Foundations

If you are interested in the below categories:

  • Fragrance

  • Supplements

Please contact for an offer.

  1. Click on Administration > Edit Questionnaire > Question Flow

    1. Select which questions you want to ask your user by clicking on the plus in the black circle between the slides. We have a wide selection of preset questions and advanced slide options for custom HTML.

    2. Decide in what order you would like to ask them by using the up and down arrows on the side.

    3. Delete a question by clicking on the bin below the slide.

    4. Click Save Changes

    5. Preview your Settings by going back and clicking on Edit Questionnaire > Overview


Try to keep it short and sweet. User engagement drops significantly after around six questions.

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